Policies, Terms, & Waivers

By payment of any sum to Hyde Park Neighborhood Club, you are confirming your registration for an HPNC program and are acknowledging your agreement to the terms and conditions of HPNC as described herein.
Cancellation, withdrawal, reduced enrollment and refund policies
​HPNC cancellation
HPNC may cancel classes, sessions, workshops and events when enrollment minimums are not reached. In this case, full refunds or credits for future enrollments will be available. HPNC reserves the right to change instructors or class structure, or to discontinue any class without incurring obligations.
HPNC may temporarily suspend programs and close the facility due to inclement weather, communicable disease exposure, or other emergencies. If HPNC is responsible for cancellation, HPNC may offer a make-up day. If a make-up day is not offered, you may request that prorated fees for cancelled days/programs be credited to your account.
Communication: HPNC will communicate cancellations through the following channels as soon as we are able. Please add “info@trn.hellosawyer.com” to your email address book to avoid messages from HPNC ending up in your spam folder. For OST and Athletics & Enrichment Programs, HPNC will send an email to notify all registered families. HPNC will also post notice of cancellation on the HPNC website and Facebook page.
Client withdrawals and cancellations
Advanced written notice is required for all cancellations and withdrawals. Email HPNC at info@hpnclub.org (or your primary HPNC representative) with cancellation notice and to determine eligibility for credit/refund. Please allow up to 2 weeks for processing.
All Registration Fees, Deposits, and Transaction Fees are non-refundable.
If we receive notice at least 30 days prior to the session start date HPNC may provide a refund or credit of the Program Fee, less the deposit or 10% of the full program fee. The deposit and all other fees are non-refundable.
If we receive notice at least 14 days prior to the session start date HPNC may provide a 50% refund of the remaining Program Fee after the deposit. The deposit and all other fees are non-refundable.
Program Fees are non-refundable within 14 days of the session start date.
Medical Cancellation/Withdrawal: In the event of a child’s medical condition preventing attendance for more than one program week, written notification of cancellation or withdrawal is required. A doctor’s note indicating attendance restriction must accompany written notification. In this instance, registrants may request a 50% credit prorated for each missed day, not including the first missed week.
Failure to attend does not constitute an official withdrawal from any course, session, class, workshop, program, activity, or rental agreement and will not be grounds for refund.
HPNC does not offer make-ups or refunds for missed days.
HPNC does not offer pauses on accounts. Appeals may be considered on a case-by-case basis for verifiable hardships only.
Cancellations and withdrawals may lead to the reversal of Special Discounts (sibling discount, bundle discount, etc.) and could result in a balance due.
Membership, class-pass, monthly-pass, and season-pass purchases are non-refundable and non-transferable. Passes may not be returned for cash value, nor account credit.
Rental cancellations
Cancellation and Refund Policy for Single-use and/or Recurring Rental Fees: A $50 non-refundable processing fee applies to all rentals. Rental fees, minus the non-refundable $50 processing fee, may be refunded if written notification of cancellation is received by HPNC at least 30 days prior to the scheduled date of rental use.
Non-appearance does not constitute cancellation of the rental agreement, and in such an instance, the renter will remain responsible for full payment of rental fees. HPNC does not offer deferred, reduced, or pro-rated space rental fees.
Parent/guardian emergency care consent
As a parent/legal guardian, you hereby give consent for your child to receive first aid by HPNC staff and, if necessary, transported to receive emergency medical care. You give consent for the HPNC staff to act for you in the event that my child needs emergency medical care. You understand that you will be responsible for all medical emergency charges.
For OST programs (After School Program and Summer Camp), a copy of child’s birth certificate and most recent Child Health Examination Form with immunization records will be required prior to first day of program start.
Covid-19 release and waiver of claims and policy acknowledgment
Waiver of Liability: In your capacity as parent or legal guardian of your child(ren), you hereby acknowledge the health risks and dangers associated with the transmission of the Covid-19 virus, and other communicable diseases, and recognize that exposure to the Covid-19 virus, or other communicable diseases, could occur while your child is the care of Hyde Park Neighborhood Club (HPNC) during the course of this program.
As such, and in consideration for child care services to be provided by HPNC for yourself and your minor children enrolled in the Program, you fully assume all of the risks associated with participation in the Program, including the possibility of Covid-19 community spread.
Your registration and payment of any amount is confirmation that you have read and fully understand and acknowledge the contents of this release and agree that you are voluntarily waiving, releasing, indemnifying, and discharging HPNC and its officers, directors, and employees from any and all liability, damages, and each and every action (collectively, "claims") by participation in and/or association with the program including but not limited to exposure or transmission of the Covid-19 virus.
You represent that you have full authority to sign on behalf of your child(ren) and that agreement binds each other person having authority to make decisions on behalf of the child(ren).
Participation Permission: You give permission for your child(ren) to participate in all program activities, both indoors and outdoors, including those held in the HPNC gym, HPNC playground and garden, and off-site at local parks and off-site field trips.
NOTE: Vaccinations keep people safe and allow young people to participate in programs without interruption. If your child is not vaccinated and a quarantine notice is given, HPNC will not issue a refund for the quarantine period.
Indemnity release
Waiver of Liability: You agree that participation in this program at HPNC is without assumption or responsibility of any kind by HPNC, In consideration of the acceptance of this registration, you do hereby release and forever discharge the HPNC, their officers, directors, employees, agents, and assigns, of and from any and all injuries, damages, claims, and demands, of any kind which may be suffered or sustained in connection with program activities. All claims of any kind or nature whatsoever are hereby waived, and you covenant not to sue. For good and valuable consideration, the Participant releases HPNC, their officers, directors, employees, and agents, and assigns permission to license and use all images and sound recordings in any media and for any purpose. The Participant agrees that, if your permission was granted, HPNC has all rights to images and sound recordings for perpetuity. This Contract shall be construed under the laws of the State of Illinois. If any provision of the Contract is found unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect. This Contract may only be modified in writing with approval of an authorized representative of HPNC. Otherwise, this Contract shall serve as the full understanding of parties.
Basic requirements of all students
For the safety of all students, basic self-sufficiency is required for all students in the program. There is 1 teacher and 1 group, and they must be trusted to stick together and follow directions as a regular course of program operation. If one student deviates from this basic premise, it puts all students at risk because it diverts the limited attention of the responsible adult to a single child, to the exclusion of all of the other children. This means that all students must be able, willing, and trusted to:
Communicate respectfully with others, including teachers, administrators, and students.
Stay with teacher and/or group indoors and outdoors during program activities and transitions.
Listen for and follow rules and instructions.
Seek and wait for permission to leave the group if necessary.
Walk to bathroom and return to classroom alone.
Use restroom without assistance.
Dress/clean self without assistance.
Refrain from unsafe/harmful behaviors to self and others.
Statement of inclusion
HPNC aims to be inclusive. Please note that we are not staffed with special education instructors, IEP specialists, or school nurses. We will work with families to the best of our ability, however, may not be equipped to satisfy all needs. Please reach out to us directly if you have specific concerns.
Gender affirmation policy
HPNC affirms that all persons (youth, staff, community members) have the right to be addressed by the name, pronouns, and other terms that correspond to their personal gender identity.
HPNC affirms that gender identity is not predicated on an individual’s physical anatomy.
HPNC affirms that individuals have the right to the use of affirming and appropriate restrooms. Individuals have the right to access the restroom that corresponds to their gender identity, regardless of sex assigned at birth.
Youth, staff, and community members are expected to respect an individual’s name and pronouns once they have been made aware of the individual’s gender identity.
Youth, staff, and community members should always use the pronoun and name as indicated by the individual.
Individuals may choose how, when, with whom, and whether to disclose their gender identity, and others should not share this information without consent.
Parents of youth under age 12 may request information about their child’s gender identity and HPNC staff should provide clear information to the parent. For youth ages 12+, the youth should give consent before this information is shared with their parent.
Guidance and discipline policy
Philosophy: We believe in guidance and discipline, rather than punishment. Guidance and discipline are positive ways to help a child develop self-control and confidence in handling their needs in a socially acceptable way. This is an on-going process, not a single act. We are here to teach each child skills to manage their own behavior.
Guidance & Discipline Techniques Used HPNC Staff:
Offer a stimulating, organized, well equipped, and well-designed classroom to avoid problems.
Set rules with the children at the beginning of camp, set clear limits and be consistent.
Redirect children whenever possible; include the children in the problem-solving process.
Model socially acceptable behavior and manners along with positive reinforcement and acknowledgement of good behavior.
If a child hurts another child, the teacher will attend to the injured child immediately. The child that did the injuring will stay with the injured child and the staff member looking after the injured child, until the injured child is ready to return to the classroom activities.
If the teachers see a continuing pattern of misbehavior, the following steps will be initiated:
Phone call from the teacher/counselor informing the parents of the concerning behavior observed.
Implementation of corrective behavior plan.
Conference with parents, teachers/counselors, and director to discuss goals, implementation of goals, and measuring progress.
Follow-up meetings (face to face or phone) to discuss progress.
Prohibited Guidance and Discipline Techniques:
Any form of corporal punishment, ridiculing a child or the child’s family, blaming, teasing, insulting, name-calling, or threatening the child with punishment.
Withholding food, affection, or positive attention.
Parent’s Role in the Guidance Process:
Share any relevant information with the teachers to help understand any underlying issues. Be open when the teacher gives notification of a concern or if a continuing pattern of misbehavior is observed
Follow through on any recommendations made by the staff.
Work as a team with the staff so everyone can be consistent in expectations and help the child understand what behavior is acceptable and not acceptable.
After attempts have been made to meet the individual needs of the child, any child that has demonstrated an inability to benefit from the type of care offered by the Hyde Park Neighborhood Club or whose needs exceed the capacity of HPNC staff, or whose presence is detrimental to the group or endangers the group, shall be discharged from the program.
Caretaker Code of Conduct
HPNC strives to create a safe, encouraging environment in which children can learn, grow and thrive. To do this, all “Caretakers” -- defined collectively as staff, volunteers, partners, and adult visitors—must abide by our Caretaker Code of Conduct. This Code of Conduct identifies the standards required to support the following objectives: (1) to maintain high-quality HPNC programs, (2) to respect the rights of our staff and volunteers to a safe, positive workplace, and (3) to provide a welcoming environment for all who come through our doors.
Download the full policy here: Caretaker Code of Conduct
Acknowledgment of receipt of the Parent/Guardian Handbook
Click here to download the current Parent/Guardian Handbook
You acknowledge receipt of the HPNC Parent/Guardian Handbook and understand that you are responsible for reading and understanding the information herein.
Políticas, términos y condiciones de Hyde Park Neighborhood Club (HPNC)
Consentimiento de atención de emergencia del padre/tutor
Como padre/tutor legal, por la presente usted da su consentimiento para que su hijo reciba primeros auxilios por parte del personal de HPNC y, si es necesario, sea transportado para recibir atención médica de emergencia. Usted da su consentimiento para que el personal de HPNC actúe en su nombre en caso de que mi hijo necesite atención médica de emergencia. Usted comprende que será responsable de todos los cargos de emergencia médica.
Liberación de responsabilidad
Exención de responsabilidad: Usted acepta que la participación en este programa en HPNC no asume responsabilidad de ningún tipo por parte de HPNC. En consideración de la aceptación de este registro, por la presente libera y despide para siempre a HPNC, sus funcionarios, directores, empleados, agentes y cesionarios, de y de todas y cada una de las lesiones, daños, reclamos y demandas de cualquier tipo que puedan sufrirse o sufrirse en relación con las actividades del programa. Por la presente se renuncia a todos los reclamos de cualquier tipo o naturaleza y usted se compromete a no demandar. Por una buena y valiosa consideración, el Participante libera a HPNC, sus funcionarios, directores, empleados y agentes, y otorga permiso para licenciar y usar todas las imágenes y grabaciones de sonido en cualquier medio y para cualquier propósito. El Participante acepta que, si se le concedió su permiso, HPNC tiene todos los derechos sobre imágenes y grabaciones de sonido a perpetuidad. Este Contrato se interpretará según las leyes del Estado de Illinois. Si alguna disposición del Contrato se considera inaplicable, las disposiciones restantes continuarán en pleno vigor y efecto. Este Contrato sólo podrá modificarse por escrito con la aprobación de un representante autorizado de HPNC. De lo contrario, este Contrato servirá como entendimiento pleno de las partes.
Requisitos básicos de todos los estudiantes.
Para la seguridad de todos los estudiantes, se requiere autosuficiencia básica para todos los estudiantes en el programa. Hay 1 maestro y 1 grupo, y se debe confiar en que se mantendrán unidos y seguirán las instrucciones como parte normal de la operación del programa. Si un estudiante se desvía de esta premisa básica, pone a todos los estudiantes en riesgo porque desvía la atención limitada del adulto responsable hacia un solo niño, excluyendo a todos los demás niños. Esto significa que todos los estudiantes deben poder, querer y confiar en:
Comunicarse respetuosamente con los demás, incluidos maestros, administradores y estudiantes.
2. Permanecer con el maestro y/o grupo en el interior y al aire libre durante las actividades y transiciones del programa.
3. Escuche y siga reglas e instrucciones.
4. Busque y espere permiso para abandonar el grupo si es necesario.
5. Camine al baño y regrese solo al salón de clases.
6. Usar el baño sin ayuda.
7. Vestirse/limpiarse sin ayuda.
8. Abstenerse de comportamientos inseguros/dañinos para uno mismo y para los demás.
Declaración de inclusión
HPNC pretende ser inclusivo. Tenga en cuenta que no contamos con instructores de educación especial, listas especiales de IEP ni enfermeras escolares. Trabajaremos con las familias lo mejor que podamos; sin embargo, es posible que no estemos equipados para satisfacer todas las necesidades. Comuníquese con nosotros directamente si tiene inquietudes específicas.
Política de afirmación de género
HPNC afirma que todas las personas (jóvenes, personal, miembros de la comunidad) tienen derecho a que se les llame por el nombre, pronombres y otros términos que correspondan a su identidad de género personal.
HPNC afirma que la identidad de género no se basa en la anatomía física de un individuo.
HPNC afirma que las personas tienen derecho al uso de baños afirmativos y apropiados. Las personas tienen derecho a acceder al baño que corresponda a su identidad de género, independientemente del sexo asignado al nacer.
Se espera que los jóvenes, el personal y los miembros de la comunidad respeten el nombre y los pronombres de una persona una vez que hayan conocido su identidad de género.
Los jóvenes, el personal y los miembros de la comunidad siempre deben usar el pronombre y el nombre indicado por el individuo.
Las personas pueden elegir cómo, cuándo, con quién y si revelar su identidad de género, y otros no deben compartir esta información sin su consentimiento.
Los padres de jóvenes menores de 12 años pueden solicitar información sobre la identidad de género de su hijo y el personal de HPNC debe proporcionar información clara a los padres. Para los jóvenes mayores de 12 años, el joven debe dar su consentimiento antes de compartir esta información con sus padres.
Política de orientación y disciplina.
Filosofía: Creemos en la guía y la disciplina, más que en el castigo. La orientación y la disciplina son formas positivas de ayudar a un niño a desarrollar el autocontrol y la confianza para manejar sus necesidades de una manera socialmente aceptable. Este es un proceso continuo, no un acto único. Estamos aquí para enseñar a cada niño habilidades para manejar su propio comportamiento.
Técnicas de orientación y disciplina utilizadas por el personal de HPNC:
Ofrecer un aula estimulante, organizada, bien equipada y bien diseñada para evitar problemas.
Establece reglas con los niños al inicio del campamento, establece límites claros y sé coherente.
Redirigir a los niños siempre que sea posible; Incluir a los niños en el proceso de resolución de problemas.
Modele comportamientos y modales socialmente aceptables junto con refuerzo positivo y reconocimiento del buen comportamiento.
Si un niño lastima a otro niño, el maestro atenderá al niño lesionado inmediatamente. El niño que causó la lesión permanecerá con el niño lesionado y el miembro del personal que cuida al niño lesionado, hasta que el niño lesionado esté listo para regresar a las actividades del salón de clases.
Si los maestros ven un patrón continuo de mala conducta, se iniciarán los siguientes pasos:
Llamada telefónica del maestro/consejero informando a los padres del comportamiento preocupante observado.
Implementación de plan de comportamiento correctivo.
Conferencia con padres, maestros/consejeros y director para discutir metas, implementación de metas y medir el progreso.
Reuniones de seguimiento (cara a cara o por teléfono) para discutir el progreso.
Técnicas prohibidas de orientación y disciplina:​
Cualquier forma de castigo corporal, ridiculizar a un niño o a su familia, culpar, burlar, insultar, poner apodos o amenazar al niño con un castigo.
Retener comida, afecto o atención positiva.
El papel de los padres en el proceso de orientación:
Comparta cualquier información relevante con los profesores para ayudar a comprender cualquier problema subyacente. Sea abierto cuando el maestro notifique una inquietud o si se observa un patrón continuo de mala conducta.
Siga las recomendaciones hechas por el personal.
Trabaje en equipo con el personal para que todos puedan ser consistentes en las expectativas y ayudar al niño a comprender qué comportamiento es aceptable y no aceptable.
Después de que se hayan hecho intentos para satisfacer las necesidades individuales del niño, cualquier niño que haya demostrado una incapacidad para beneficiarse del tipo de cuidado ofrecido por el Hyde Park Neighborhood Club o cuyas necesidades excedan la capacidad del personal de HPNC, o cuya presencia sea perjudicial para el grupo o lo pone en peligro, será dado de baja del programa.